
natural resources and environemnt

Natural resources and environment and are the foundation of Malawi’s agro-based economy. However, these natural resources are facing increasing pressure due to the growing human population. In this regard, Salima District Council has prioritized natural resources as one of its priority areas in order to promote effective policy implementation on both renewable and non-renewable natural …

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community and social services

The Directorate of Community and Social Services (DCSS) is a newly established directorate in Salima District Council, overseeing six divisions including nutrition, social welfare, community development, gender, youth, and labour. Its role is to promote social and economic well-being, coordinate community engagement, and provide policy guidelines. The success of the Directorate depends on its ability …

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The Directorate of Finance is headed by the Director Of Finance and coordinates with all the Finance sections for the Council. The Finance Directorate has mainly three sections thus the Financial Management Operations, the Revenue Sections like the local revenue generations where the council collects local revenues from fees and business licences and also the …

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Health Services

The District has 24 Health facilities including the District Hospital and services a population of 551,042 Our vision is to be centre of excellence in delivery of essential Health package to all people in the district through collaborative efforts among all stakeholders. Our mission is to improve and stabilise the health status of Salima community …

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The Directorate of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources comprises six sectors of Agriculture, Irrigation, Fisheries, Environment, Forestry and Water. The Sectors operate in Seven Extension Planning Areas (EPAs) using Decentralized Agricultural Extension Services System. The EPAs are Chiluwa, Matenje, Chinguluwe, Katerela, Makande, Tembwe and Chipoka as Agro-ecological zones. The Directorate contributes towards Increased Agricultural Productivity …


Economic Planning and Development

The Directorate of Planning is headed by the Director of Planning and Development (DPD). There are 5 departments/sectors that are in this Directorate. These are Disaster, Lands, Community Development and Nutrition. The Directorate’s main function is coordinating all development programs and projects that are being implemented in the district for both donor and government funded. …

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Education and Sports

SALIMA DISTRICT EDUCATION OFFICE CONTACT US Telephone: (+265) 01262344 email SALIMA DISTRICT EDUCATION PROFILE The District Education System is managed primarily by the District Education Office which is managed by the District Education Manager (DEM). The DEM reports to the District Commissioner of the District Council on issues affecting education in their area of …

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