The Directorate of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources comprises six sectors of Agriculture, Irrigation, Fisheries, Environment, Forestry and Water. The Sectors operate in Seven Extension Planning Areas (EPAs) using Decentralized Agricultural Extension Services System. The EPAs are Chiluwa, Matenje, Chinguluwe, Katerela, Makande, Tembwe and Chipoka as Agro-ecological zones. The Directorate contributes towards Increased Agricultural Productivity and commercialization and Environmental Sustainability.

Implementation of Activities is done in collaboration with all relevant stakeholders under the coordination of District Agricultural Extension Coordination Committee (DAECC) which is mandated to ensure that there is equitable and quality service provision. The services target several value chains but of significant importance are maize, ground nuts, soy beans, cotton, rice, fish and goats. The lake also provides huge potential for fish cage culture. Crop production is both under rain fed and irrigation farming.

The human resource provide huge potential for sustainable management of the forest reserves and abundant natural resources that cover the beautiful watersheds. The directorate strives to achieve sustainable food, income and nutrition security under proper management and sustainable utilization of natural resources while conserving the environment. The abundant natural vegetation and various fish species and the lake are a source of tourist attraction which provides employment to a cross section of people