The Directorate of Finance is headed by the Director Of Finance and coordinates with all the Finance sections for the Council. The Finance Directorate has mainly three sections thus the Financial Management Operations, the Revenue Sections like the local revenue generations where the council collects local revenues from fees and business licences and also the other section looks on the Development Projects from government and donors.

The Finance Directorate core mandate is to see that the Council is accountable and prudent in the Public Financial Management to the citizenry and all Stakeholders in the Budget execution. The directorate objectives are Consolidation of Annual Budgets for the Council in line with the Government Policies, To account and produce Financial Reports and Annual Financial Statements for the Council in a transparent manner to the citizenry and other Stake holders and To enhance Local revenue generation so that the Council is self reliant in financial capability.

The Finance Directorate specific duties and responsibilities are:-

In doing the above duties the Finance directorates collaborates and coordinates with all the devolved sectors at the Council level linking with the Central Government through the National Local Government Finance Committee in all the financial issues on the government funding -ORT and donor funds.

In addition the directorate in local revenue generation it makes sure that there are proper systems and controls in the revenue generation and sees to it that all our market centres are managed properly through coordination with other directorates in revenue generation through business and market campaigns, and new ideas from other directorates on how the council can boost its revenue. Currently Salima District Council is among the districts that is doing fine in local revenue generation.

Finally the directorate also sees to it that there are minimal audit issues be it internal or external and coordinates with other directorates and sectors to have measures and internal controls and that all audit queries are responded to and resolved on behalf of the Controlling Officer.